There’s a dreamgirl

I just discovered Malaysian Dreamgirl from Facebook. I think there's a little dreamgirl in every gay boy, well at least in me there is one. I'm addicted to the show. If you watch this show, I think I want to do a recording about this show in the next session. Pay...

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If you read Chinese and would like to get information from news to entertainment with the emphasis on Penang, you may like this site. Again, it's a Chinese website, sorry Ang Moh Sai, but we still love you very much here at

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New Show Ichiban

2008 started off very well for Malaysian podcasts. Lately, I have discovered a strikingly shiny gem on Siaran.Net - a Malaysian podcast directory that I started recently. If you understand Cantonese, you should check it out: Click on the image to visit their website...

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Penang Hokkien Chat on Skype

If you would like to socialize with other Penang Hokkien listeners and guests including myself, please download Skype and chat with us there while you're listening to the shows, or after, or in between shows. The link will always be on the sidebar of

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Lat Jit Tao

Kam the vely siah to Katakpuru who sent in all the JPEGs and Ang Moh Sai number 2 for the PDF files. I will have good use for both of those. So, the rest of you, you don't have to scan anything now. I sudah dapat the lat jit tao. If you are like me, and don't have the...

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First Recording in 2008

Please join us in the first recording in 2008. If you just want to listen to it live, you can also join us at the same time. Date: January 5, 2008 Time: 9am to noon Topics: Hoh Giak (Rich Rich Life) Ghost Stories Kui Ouk (First day of school) Put your names down if...

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Introducing Sia!

Apa Sia? You tanya? I'd like to introduce you to Siaran.Net - Broadcast on the internet. I think it is time to gather some Malaysian-themed podcast together in one big directory. Go visit Siaran.Net to find out about other Malaysian podcasts. If you are a Malaysian...

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Maintenance Downtime (Updated)

UPDATED: Looks like the move is a lot faster than expected. If you are experiencing any website issue, please email me directly to ongline (at) Thanks! Some of you may have noticed that the website has been having a lot of downtime. I am arranging for a big...

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April 2024
