((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Hau Tiaunn A-Long, Oo Peh Ki, Tit Tiak En Pit, Gu Leng Kuan, Tsa Boo Poo, & Hok Kian Mi. This week we discussed about...
PGHK Recording & Live Show this Saturday Night 9PM.
Please add PGHK Google+ Page to your circle, and RSVP. Come join me in our next recording session: Date: January 14, 2017. Time: 9PM (Malaysian time) Topics: Han Kok Hi (Korean Drama) Tua Kioh Sau (Cleaning/tidy up/cleaning gadgets) Kue Ke Ni (CNY Rooster year) Tso...
PGHK #596 Léng-Lī (伶俐) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: A-Han, Hai Tiaunn A-Long, Huei Tshia, Buaya Ling, Nam Sai, Moo Moo Gu, Jagung, Tua Liap Thau, Jit Pun Kiann. Since it...
PGHK #595 Líng Sann (冷衫) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Eng Kok Tiong, Kopi Ping, Nam Sai, Hau Tiaunn A-Long, Moo Moo Gu, Giam Sin Senn, Jit Put Kiann, A-Han, Buaya Ling, Tua...
PGHK #594 Khui To (開刀) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: A-Han, Kopi Ping, Eng Kok Tiong, Sng Kak, Si Tseng Lau, Hau Tiaunn A-Long, Nam Sai, Jagung, Jit Pun Kiann. Our guests...
PGHK #592 Pàng-Jiō (放尿) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Tsap It Ho, Tse Tian, Moo Moo Gu, A-Han, Eng Kok Tiong, Tua Kau & Tua Liap Thau Today, we discussed urination. Yes, peeing. Something everyone does,...
PGHK #592 Pàng Jiō (放尿) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Tsap It Ho, Tse Tian, Moo Moo Gu, A-Han, Eng Kok Tiong, Tua Kau & Tua Liap Thau Today, we discussed urination. Yes,...
PGHK #591 Khuànn-Sue Pa̍t-Sik-Lâng (看衰別色人) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Eng Kok Tiong, Tua Liap Thau, Moo Moo Gu, Oo Tsut Bi, Tua Kau, A-Han. Let's be honest and talk about racism and unconscious biases. Shop for your...
PGHK #591 Khuànn Sue Pa̍t Sik Lâng (看衰別色人) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Eng Kok Tiong, Tua Liap Thau, Moo Moo Gu, Oo Tsut Bi, Tua Kau, A-Han. Let's be honest and talk about racism and...
PGHK #590 Uānn Tiám-Siann (換點聲) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: A-Han, Bi Thai Bak, Kuai Bi Suinn, Buah Langsat, Kam Phui, Tua Liap Thau. We talked about time changes, time zones, daylight saving, and traveling...