PGHK #499 Tai Kee Lai Pai Ni (大家來拜年) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Ah Leng, Belacan Ke, Tshau Tau, Lam Lam, Eng Kok Tiong, Jagung, Nam Sai, WiwiWawa, Sin Thang, Hau Tiaunn Ah Long, Ah Han, Iau Bin, Kam Phui, Moo Moo...

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PGHK #498 Tsun Pi Kuei Sin Tsiann (準備過新正) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Tsheng Tsi, Belacan Ke, Tshau Tau, Kam Phui, A Han, A Leng, Bangkali, Tshai Tiam-A, Jagung, Eng Kok Tiong, Poo Leng, Lim Peh, Nam Sai. How do you...

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PGHK #495 Song Song Tso Gin-A (爽爽做囡仔) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Hau Tiaunn A Long, WiwiWawa, Boo Moo Peh, theRubberbands, Arabaijop, Tshu Bi, Ting Ting. This is the first of three shows I recorded at penangpac. I...

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PGHK #494 Kah Ang Moo Phak Thoo (佮紅毛拍拖) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Ang Moo, Hau Tiaunn A Long, Loti Bin, Arabaijop. Ah Long and I took Ang Moo out on a date. She is more familiar with Penang than myself. She talked...

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红厝瓦的老厝 covered by John Ong Covered by John Ong at penangpac on 3rd January, 2015. Original song by Koay Chee Lin. More info about this song please go to: Get this song by Koay Chee Lin on the OhMyPenang CD Video by Tau Ge· Kevin Lim.

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PGHK #493 Loh Ho· (落雨) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Tshit Tsiah Kau, Nam Sai, En Tau, i-Tut, Tau Ge·, Po· Ioh, Jit Pun Kiaⁿ, Lam Lam, Tshai Tiam-A, Hu Kiaⁿ. I met up with a few PGHK listeners in...

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We made it a success!

I will share more about the live show when I am back to the USA when I have better internet speed. I was so pumped up by the amount of people attended and the energy of the the room was so high. The atmosphere that you can only experience if you were physically there....

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PGHK #492 Tshit Ia Peh Ia Kui (七爺八爺鬼) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Tshai Tiam A, Ang Mo, Hau Tiauⁿ, Tshit Ho, Kam Phui, Ke Po Tsiⁿ, Tau Ge·, Belacan Ke, Ah Han, O· Peh Ki. Other than ghost stories, we also talk...

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PGHK #491 Kong Phian Ua (講騙話) ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Jagung, Lam Lam, Belacan Ke, Mo· Mo· Gu, A Han, Kun Tsui Kuan, Tua Liap Thau. We all know we're not suppose to lie, but most of us do that in...

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September 2024
