Encountering spirits and ghost during a hike in the forest. Identifying strange noises recorded on PGHK. Child ghost at work. Orang bunian and more. Guests: Puki Phong Pha, Eng Kong Tiong, Puann Kiam Tinn, Hau Tiaunn, Hau Tiaunn A Long, Tau Gee, Oo Ti Tu, Si Bak Kau,...
PGHK #759 Kuí-tsiàu-kòo (鬼照顧)
Why do some dead people wear red and carry a mirror and a pair of scissors into the coffin? What if you rented a haunted house? Hau Tiaunn A Long shared more ghosts stories in his house and how the ghosts helped him. Do you know about Sai Baba Holy Ash? Guests:...
PGHK #755 Ngiau-kuì (貓鬼)
Before CNY, let's listen to a few more new ghost stories. A couple of cat related stories, ghost smudged faces in paintings, teeth inside a soft toy, and Wiwiwawa explained why he stopped recording his ghost podcast. Guests: Be Sai Kong, Si Bak Kau, Oo Ti Tu,...
PGHK #750 Kuí-pûn-la-pa (鬼歕喇叭)
A listener shared his sexual encounter with a ghost. Orang Bunian gave a villager a set of fine bone china and many more new ghost stories. Guests: Putu Mayam, Wiwi Wawa, Helicopter, Moo Moo Gu, Be Sai Kong, Ju Ling, Si Bak Kau, & Ki Kuan Tsheng. ...
PGHK #749 Kuí-tsē Uber (鬼坐Uber)
Old bird, Tsheng Tsi is back to share with us what to do when encountered ghosts. New stories about ghosts taking a ride in an Uber and hotel ghosts. Guests: Tsheng Tsi, Oo Ti Tu, Hau Tiaunn, Moo Moo Gu, Be Sai Kong, Si Bak Kau, Putu Mayam, Helicopter, & Ju Ling....
PGHK #744 Giàn-khuànn-kuí (癮看鬼)
How can you make yourself see ghosts? Moo Moo Gu shared another new ghost story about an old lady. Discuss the death of Elisa Lam. Guests: Tshau Hu, Tua Moo Koo, Puki Phong Pha, Puann Kiam Tinn, Bee Sai Kong, Moo Moo Gu, Oo Ti Tu, Eng Kok Tiong, Putu Mayam, & Si Bak...
PGHK #740 Tsuá-kuí 1 (紙鬼1)
Some old birds came back to retell some of their old ghost stories. This is first of the two-part episodes. A-Han's unborn brother came back to her dream and many more stories. https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2019-10-07.mp3...
PGHK #735 Lâng-Sí-Piàn-Kuí (人死變鬼)
This week we share people who just died and came back as ghosts to communicate with the living. Guests: Be Sai Kong, Tua Liap Thau, Leng Sio Long, Putu Mayam, Si Bak Kau, Oo Ti Tu, Moo Moo Gu, Tse Tian, & Tshiu Tsheng. ...
PGHK #730 Pau-thâu-kuí (包頭鬼)
Penang Hill ghost stories, John's office ghost, and urban legends. Guests: Puann Kiam Tinn, Siau Tsa Boo, Si Bak Kau, Ketupat, Moo Moo Gu, Tsiah Siau, Oo Ti Tu, Kiam Suinn Tinn & Tau Gee. ...
PGHK #726 Kui-khà-muî 2 (鬼撽門2)
Special guests shared their own paranormal experiences in their hotel rooms. Guests: Oo Bi, Si Bak Kau, Leng Long, Tua Lias Thau, Puki Phong Pha, Putu Mayam, Ketupat, Ko Seng, Oo Ti Tu, Tau Gee, Eng Kok Tiong, Siau Tsa Boo. ...