((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Haisom, Moo Moo Gu, Hue Tshia, Jagung, Hau Tiaunn A-Long, Gu Len Tee, Belacan Ke, Tse Ah, Tua Liap Thau. This week we...
Please add PGHK Google+ Page to your circle, and RSVP. Come join me in our next recording session: Date: February 11, 2017. Time: 9PM (Malaysian time) Topics: Kioh Bin, Kioh Sin Ku (Plastic Surgery) Ko Sui, Ko Ian-tau (Beautiful/Handsome) Ghost Stories Korean Drama... ((( iPhone & iPad users CLICK HERE to LISTEN ))) Guests: Oo Tsut Bi, Tsa Boo Poo, Jagung & Tua Liap Thau. A huge part of Chinese New Year is the making and eating of CNY kuih....