We came back with even more spooky tales, like an office ghost typing on the keyboard, a dad being possessed, and even a ghost in Sambai Belacan’s room! We also went to Balik Pulau and talked about frogs and toads.
This week we shared stories about dogs. We shared interesting and funny stories about our own dogs but also didn’t shy away from unpleasant subjects of animal cruelty and dog’s interesting behavior.
What are your hobbies? And how does it qualify something as a hobby? Our guests shared their hobbies, and some turned theirs into a money making avenue.
We invited a researcher of Datuk Kong to share her findings with our listeners. Did you know there are multiracial Datuk Kong in Malaysia? Come learn more from Dr. Tan Ai Boay.
Are you a luxury traveler or a budget traveler? This week we discussed ways to travel economically, including sharing a bed with a stranger in a foreign country. Do you dare to travel this way?
This week, we come back after CNY holiday, and went straight to talking about the behind! Yes, buttocks. Butts. But specifically, what recently happened to A-Long’s butt.
Happy Chinese New Year to my beloved PGHK supporters!
I wish all the happiness, great fortune, love, and good health as we welcome in the Year of the Snake of 2025.
And as you may have heard from the podcast episodes lately, 2025 is also the year we are celebrate our 20th anniversary of podcasting. Yes, PGHK is 20 years old. And many of you are here with me since the very beginning. And I can’t express how thankful and appreciative of your continued support for me and the podcast.
Because it’s a milestone of an achievement for PGHK, I am planning a weekend-long gathering in Penang toward the end of the year. I will be able to share more specifics like dates and venue in the upcoming weeks. Since you’re already part of the PGHK Newsletter, you will be the first to get the news!
That’s all I have for now. I hope to be able to stay in touch with you more regularly, rather than just sending out an email once a month with the upcoming recording topics and dates. Speaking of the next recording, it will be on February 15, 2025. A day after Valentine’s Day.
Have a lovely time off with your family and friends. And when you have to return to work on Monday… you can at least know that there’ll always be a new PGHK podcast waiting for you!
We welcomed in the year of the Snake as we wish everyone a healthy, prosperous, and happy new year. We also took the occasion to share some of our own encounters with Tok Panjang – 🐍 snakes!
We ended up spending a lot of time talking about Kuih Bangkit while we discussed traditional CNY kuih. We also briefly touched on newer Chinese New Year kuih.
We’re back with more ghost stories. A man walking extremely slowly at her mother’s wake. Bicycle bell rung by ghosts. Sword being pulled by a ghost. India ghosts walking by bed looking for things.