PGHK #40 Mental Patients 疯人

May 16, 2006 | Podcast | 22 comments

Guests: Katakpuru, LapChiong, Penang Laksa, Chah Ki, and Soo Jin.

We address issues about mentally ill patients. Our personal experience with some of them. I’m sure you’ll find some of the mental patients on the street that you might be familiar with too.

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  1. chaxlim

    hi, miku, can you remember or not? one of our frens who acted as “Mental Patients” in “91 street” had won best actress in Penang High School Drama Competition. That “Mental Patient” excately existed in Georgetown.

  2. Miku John

    I remember!

  3. chaxlim

    The “Mental Patient” was very famous !

  4. willwill

    eh,that uncle wearing songkok one ah is from batu ferringhi woh..dono true boh.
    and got one gila one ah, always ask for ONE DOLLAR around JOHN high school CHUNG TUT ah…
    last time my house there got one gila one, her face with red red powder, everyone call her CHUNG CHU HONG! 😛

  5. Katakpuru

    John, we all ‘ANG’ liao since this episode came out after your interview.
    My mum cut out your interview from the paper and sent it to me.

  6. kshern

    the RM1 fella at kampung baru has been doing that since i was very small but he never harms anyone even if you don’t give him. he can always recognise my dad’s car cos he will always give him. i doubt he’s mental though. now his ‘territory’ has been invaded by the mental case throwing grass and dirt on to the road and at the passing cars. now, this fella should be institutionalised!

    the taiwan flag bicycle riding fella is also not mental. he was interviewed by some magazines before and he has reasons for doing what he’s doing although i’ve forgotten. 😛

    another very interesting show… 🙂

  7. tuna

    hey miku,nice feature with this direct flash streaming,great!

  8. peh peng

    the flash thing u did with the podcast mp3 link is bad. i dont use any program to get your show and now i cannot download anymore. I dont want to get extra programs beause im on slow internet (56k) so PLEASE put the old links back up so that i can still download to my mp3 player to listen.

  9. tuna

    peh peng, the link is not bad maybe because you are using 56k it takes time to stream? do you have flash plugin on your internet explorer?

  10. peh peng

    sorry tuna, i think u misunderstand. I dont use itune to save the podcast. i download the mp3 each week from the ||LISTEN|| link that used to be there. Now i am saying that the FLASH is a bad thing for me because it means i have to get itune if i want to save the podacst to my mp3 player to listen. With the flash i cannot save the mp3 to lsten, i must listen while i am on the internet. Just asking Miku to put the ||LISTEN|| link back on in addition to the FLASH so i can download the files. Sorry for confusion

  11. Miku John

    Peh Peng, Tuna did not misunderstand you. Tuna is correct that it takes more time to stream on a dial-up. I have added a new link (((DOWNLOAD AUDIO FILE))) to the end of each post.
    This is still not the best way for you to listen to the show Peh Peng. If you have a dialup connection. Using iTunes is the best way to download. Because you can download when you’re not sitting in front of the computer. And you can come back to it if you don’t finish the whole show. But I want to provide link to the shows in as many method and as many people as possible. Sorry for the hassle.

  12. minmin

    Miku, you should have a talk show about ‘cheating during exams’. i had done some crazy things when i was in school…. 😛
    it should be quite a laugh…..

  13. hiao poh CHI

    ah john,
    i add u in skype liao eh
    this is my name lor
    pls remembe rme erh…
    ah bo ler,,,,


  14. pehpeng

    john: no i dont just download from browser. I use the download accellerator for faster downloading. so it is better for me i think if i just do it my way becasue i get faster downloading times over my connection. Thanks for the link back!!!

  15. weeLee

    hey!! u remind me of that ‘meh eh’ lar…!!! i totally forgot abt him liao..

    if my memory still works, i tihnk my father, my uncle actually know him personally, they are in the same ‘era’, so they used to hang out togther, since all tg bungah org mah… my papa told me b4 when he’s young , he’s very handsome one worrrr n a lot of girls crazy abt him.. but i really forgot how he become ‘siao lang’ liao…

  16. Katakpuru

    Yay… weelee you’re back. can you recognize the voices( penang laksa & Chah ki) in this episode? they were from our school..nice to hear from you again..

  17. weeLee

    ya katakpouru, i’m back… =)

    hmm hmm, cannot lerrr.. i’m too ‘palia’ in this..

  18. Katakpuru

    Weelee, check your email. I sent you a photo of our old schoolmate wedding photo. Chah Ki and Penang Laksa were in the wedding reception. I’m sure you also know others in the photo.

  19. lobak

    in front of chung tut got 1 siao lang also always spit his saliva on people 1…i kena before lo…geli nia…..

  20. grassonleaf

    i was a chung ling boy b4, but i didnt give a single cent to the 1 dolar man….

  21. GoNK

    huhu~.. yeayea.. I know that Org Giler Songkok. He is very geng one lee can run from Air Itam till Batu Feringgi one lee… really geng hu hu hu~…. cant imagine la.:P~.. sure will win in Maraton one..:~P

  22. agentpink

    i tink tht songkok guy is from kampung melayu i tink..he will gif flowers to everyone..the flowers he take is from his own garden n some is the one he took along the way…

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