PGHK #326 Im Chui (淹水)

Oct 31, 2011 | Podcast | 6 comments

We talked about flood this week. We all read and heard so many stories from our neighbor Thailand about the flood. We talked about the danger and sometimes for kids, fun, of a flood. We also have a listener reported directly from Bangkok, and shared some pictures too. Obviously we can’t omit the disaster that a big flood can cause.

Empty 7-11

One of listener’s friends who is a St John’s ambulance member shared this link on Facebook asking for donation in the form of bottled water.

Sand bags in Thailand

If you know of organizations who would take monetary donations, please do so, but beware of scams. Just check carefully and use your own judgement.



  1. tan

    It is called 做大水 for hokkien

  2. Lor Mee

    That “pa-ki” in my family we called it as “go-ki” wo! and another type we called it as “pa-cat”. Both of these “go-ki” and “pa-cat” are suck blood eh.

  3. Tam Chiak Po

    Lor Mee: ya, i heard go-ki before too. But in my kampung here call pa-ki, lol. anway, i feel geli too after i tell about the pa-ki story. Because i don’t know i’m eating which animal or which people’s blood from the pa-ki~ yyyyiak!!

  4. Lor Mee

    Tam Chiak – really geli loooooooo, u eat that “jelly”…wakkakaka. Oh ya, u knw or not that “pua chu kang” kasut that u wear, our family we got our own terms to called it….haha, we called it as “khong khong eh (kasut)”, cos when we wear it and with some movement of “running” kind of…u might hear the sound of “khong khong khong…”, that’s how the “name” comes!

  5. Tam Chiak Po

    yeah i know is geli right, i dont know y i so tam chiak until like that, haha.. khong khong eh..nice name leh.. because of the khong khong eh so i like to walk in the middle of the water, so i only got the chance to eat the JELLY lo.. ish, geli ka si, haha

  6. Miku John

    That’s right. I couldn’t recall. But I call it go ki also. Just slipped my mind. Thanks for reminding me.

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