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Guests: Tsheng Tsi, Jagung, Lesen, Kita Peng Iu, Tau Ge·, Bo Mo· Peh, Kali Mo· Tsit Tsho·k, Seng Kak, Si Tsheng Lau, Tham Tsiah Po, Tua Liap Thau, & Ang Tau Seng.
Remember the days where people were kinder and more innocent. There used to be all sorts of sales person coming to our house or vendors driving around the neighborhood to sell things to us. From vegetables to laksa. From laundry detergents to kuih talam!
mayb i am too sensetive…and forgive me if i wrong ya.
The way Tua Liap Thau talk…..is too confident and kind like to show off his experiences
>> Nanyang cuisine
It was mussels John not clams hahahahaha I wish I was part of this fun conversation. I too remember so very many fun things.
I prefer to be called Kui Chee Thung instead of Or Pek Ki