I’ll be participating in a live broadcast to celebrate Gay Pride Month. Please join me twice this weekend.
This is not the normal Penang Hokkien Podcast, but I will be using Hokkien for sure if you show up!
You can join in the chat room at Pride48.com or listen to me on your iPhone or iPod touch by going to Pride48.com (if you’re listening on your iPod, you can’t join the chat room, but you can tweet me at @JohnOng or put a hast tag in our tweet, and I will see the message #pride48)
Hope to see you at least once:
Go to Pride48.com for more information. Also visit that site for Live Broadcast links (starting June 26 – 28. 48 hours of live shows)
Ongline Asia:
June 27: 7AM – 9AM (CDT)
June 27: 8PM – 10PM (Malaysian Time)
June 28: 4PM – 6PM (CDT)
June 29: 5AM – 7AM (Malaysian Time)
OMG Michael Jackson’s dead,i cried 2 times a day
R.I.P Michael Jackson