Guests: Motoleng, Ban Chang Kuey & Kam Pui Ban Chang Kuey brought with him a list of Hokkien curse words. And Motoleng and Kam Pui also brought their own list and explanations of Chao Ua. Everyone has something to...
PGHK #146 Chai Hong (裁缝) Guests: Ah Tox, Katakpuru & Chiam Chiah Several weeks ago, our old bird Katakpuru suggested that we talk about interesting occupations. She came up with this interesting one, a tailor or a seamstress. And did you...
PGHK #146 Chai Hong (裁缝) Guests: Ah Tox, Katakpuru & Chiam Chiah Several weeks ago, our old bird Katakpuru suggested that we talk about interesting occupations. She came up with this interesting one, a tailor or a seamstress. And did you...
Next Recording: May 17. Late Night.
Join us in our next recording. Date: May 17, 2008 Time: Starting 9PM Be our guests for these topics: Chao Ua #3 Taek Ji/Empat Ekor Pak Ting Ting/Pinball Machines To listen to the live recording, just come to at the scheduled time. To be a...
PGHK #145 Handphone Guests: Motoleng & Lau Sai Everyone has a handphone in Malaysia, pretty much. Listen to our guests sharing their handphone stories. Find out what model of phones they use. Listen to our crazy phone messages. Please...
PGHK #144 Hoh Kui Cubit Guests: Lau Sai, Hao Tniao & Wiwi Wawa Another set of ghost stories. This time we have stories about ghosts in your own house. How do you deal with this? And remember Lau Sai's house was haunted by a ghost, he...
Join the HHD fun
A Message from Hua Hee Dai 欢喜台 Come celebrate HUA HEE DAI's very FIRST Hokkien Variety Show - Hua Hee Together We will be recording Hua Hee Together Variety Show and are looking for an audience to be part of this fun-filled variety show Come and be part of our...