PGHK #234 Sien Si Liao (僐死了)

Jan 25, 2010 | Podcast | 8 comments

Are you ever bored? This show, we’ll devote an entire hour to talk about this. What makes you sien? What do you do when you’re sien? Listen to our guests sharing their views. Also featuring the Lonely Classroom (now find the show in iTunes – click on iTunes icon on left).


The food show that you heard us discussed at the end of the podcast.

Please contact myself or WiwiWawa if you want to join the show.

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  1. KC Petai

    very good topic….haha…..i m “sien” when
    [a] got nothing to do at office….have to think of “how to do my own work”…lagi sien
    [b] when have sembang time then someone started to talk abt direct sales, insurance and bla bla bla…listen until sien
    [c] trapped in traffic jam…sien….
    [d] where to go for lunch…..been asked to suggest places to makan…..then ppl starts to object this n that place…then ask to suggest again…sien
    [e] have to settle stuff at government office….line up lah…take number lah…wait lah….sien
    [f] salary not enuf….this is si pek sien…..

    the cure for “sien ness” is listen to PGHK…..follow Mikumania…..

  2. HokkienChar

    I do watched movies alone especially during my college time the most.
    Firstly, because I love movies, secondly because of sien and i do not want to kacau my frens to accompany me because of my “sien”.

    Actually, watching movies alone is quite enjoy you can concentrate on the movie and you can sit where you want specially during the day time or the earliest 11.30am or the noon showtime.

    Sometimes my “sien” can become “pek chek” then become “ki siao”.
    Then I will go out to watch a movie or in the middle of the night (2am~4am) ride my motorcycle from BM to Butterworth just to eat nasi kandar…….alone!!

    All this was before i meet my wife….

  3. namsai

    if ride the bike from KL to butterworth …mampus saya…

  4. Eleanor

    ji mo is called siok bok i think, learned from hokkien drama.

  5. namsai

    jik mok jamban or siok bok jamban

  6. HaiSom

    i dont feel sien geh, why? em, maybe Im always alone. thinking and dreaming haha

  7. namsai

    maybe you always at sien punya condition..

  8. Xiamen Ah Long

    Lonely = Cik Bok (the Cik is same as Cantonese with different tone, sounds more like “cruel” cik-ah the cik in Hokkien)…… In Taiwanese drama, they often say Siok-Bok. Siok as in our daily word Syok. Both are acceptable.

    I am expanding the audience to my entire Hokkien forum in China and Taiwan now. Your voices are more famously heard now !

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