Not everyone will feel comfortable coming out in Malaysia (well, even in the USA), but those of us who can, should. Visibility is very important to break the uneducated fear of being gay. If you can put a face to a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered person, you are less likely to discriminate. I need, and we need our straight allies to make this happen.
And I personally thank ALL my Penang Hokkien listeners who look beyond my being gay and just know me as your Miku John. Thank you!
Brought to you by the Committee for the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia, and
yea~so proud to be gay
Wheather they are gay,lesbian,bisexual,transgendered person or straight person..we are all god’s creation. So why must we discriminate these people?I am sure we got more better things to do to create world peace and health…
john, i support U !!!
……i am
gay friend
in the
of John Ong..