Tofu_Wayne kindly sent me the MP3 file for the song that he wrote for Penang Hokkien Podcast. I know many of you wrote him and myself to ask for the MP3 version of the song. Song: Penang Hokkien Pne Pne Tnia (Right Click and Choose Download) You can also just listen...
Next Recording this Saturday Late Night
Next recording is scheduled for this weekend: Date: 28-2-2009 Time: Starting from 10PM Topics: Kah Tao Moh (Cut Hair) Beh Syiok (What you Hate) Teng Kee (I.C. - Identification Card) Ghost Stories Please register yourself at the forum. If you are registering at the...
TofuWayne’s music video for PGHK
I always appreciate how supportive and kind almost everyone of you out there who listen to Penang Hokkien. Yes, I do this because I enjoy it myself. But I continue doing this because of you and your support and encouragement. This morning, I woke up to this comment...
PGHK #186 Hoh Kui Siong Ghost stories are back. Our guests shared their experience at various places, including friend's house, old convents, Pek Hoon Snua, Singapore and more. You just have to check it out yourself. (((DOWNLOAD AUDIO...
PGHK #185 Seh Sna (洗衫) Whether you wash your clothes by hand or a machine, you will be able to relate to this topic. What brand of washing detergents do you use? Have ever washed your clothes in a river like our special guest, Eau See?...
PGHK #184 Pnua Pne (破病) I have a special guest host, Xiamen Ah Long with me. The two of us chatted non stop about something totally off topic and a bunch more about sickness. Ah Long shared his appendicitis experience. We also tried to...
Next Recording Late Night: Feb 7. 10PM.
Come join us in our next recording session. Date: 7/2/2009 Time: Starting at 10PM Topics: Pnua Pneh (Sick) Snui Mnia (Fortune Reading) Seh Sna (Wash Clothes) Ka Tao Moh (Cut Hair) Register yourself for a slot or every slot. REGISTER NOW.
PGHK #183 Pang Pao (放炮) A bunch of guys talking about what fire crackers we liked. At the same time, realizing how stupid we were. Of course, no old stories come without a good laugh. Happy Chinese New Year to all my listenres. (((DOWNLOAD...